Performing Arts
Cambridge Regional College
Michelle Hysa
What inspired my ideas and work for this scene was both lockdown due to Covid 19 as well as the play ‘Love and information’. The reason lockdown inspired this idea for me is because right now I feel more people around the world are having more bad mental health due to being locked in and not being able to socialise with friends and other family members but also its causing many people more anxiety then they ever had. Which is because no one knows what's going to happen and when everything will get back to normal as well as the anxiety many people are experiencing just thinking about catching the virus as it is life threatening. I then really wanted to incorporate that with ‘Love and Information’ as unfortunately we won't be able to do the performance we were supposed to do. As I was looking through the script I came across a scene from ‘Love and Information’ called Schizophrenic and since I wanted my work to revolve around mental health because of what is happening. What inspired me with that idea was that at the beginning of lockdown I personally had a lot of anxiety and panic and since the beginning to now, I see myself being more positive now. I feel like singing at home has really helped me release a lot of emotions that I'm feeling and helped so much with me feeling low and anxious so that inspired my idea for my character to sing a song expressing all her emotions. I have found the challenge of creating art from home difficult although I feel that it has pushed me to work harder. Because even though to start with I found it hard, I didn't want working from home to make my standard of work any lower or demotivate me in any aspect so I feel that I've had to work a lot harder to make my ideas come to life. I've truly found creating ideas from home such a big lesson and learned ways on how to clear my mind in order to think clearly when coming up with ideas such as yoga and breathing exercises because it really makes you feel peaceful and ready. I feel that it's also taught me alot about myself as a person when it comes to creativity as well, I've learned that when I focus and put time and effort into my work I can write a song that is at a higher standard then I could have ever imagined. Although it saddens me that I’m unable to create ideas and work with my classmates, I find it also refreshing that I've had to work on this completely independently because I've realised how creative I can be from focusing harder than before. From creating this project, I've learnt that as an artist I like alot of my work to present and raise awareness on real issues that we are facing in the world such as mental health. I like my work to have a rawness to it and some truth to it. I've really enjoyed working on the song because I've tried to be as creative with them as well as raise issues on what people could be feeling in the world right now. I hope that my work from this project feels raw and real and shows how there are people badly struggling out there with mental disorders. The song ‘Rainy May’ is a song that my character, Mila, writes once she's in a mental health hospital after being sectioned due to her dangerous behaviour and in the song Mila is singing out all her feelings and emotions. A big reason for her having written this song is wanting to be heard because she finds it hard to express herself well. The reason the song is called ‘Rainy May’ is because May is the month that Mila had the breakdown and when her schizophrenia took over her life completely. Mila writes this song in her room after being put under Section 2 of the Mental Health Act into a psychiatric hospital for her schizophrenia. She writes this song to comfort herself as she feels alone and trapped. She sings out all of her thoughts, feelings and emotions and her wants as well. She makes this song to understand how low she’s feeling but how there’s sun at the end of the tunnel.