Performing Arts
Cambridge Regional College
Jasmine Thrift-Summers
Hi, I’m Jasmine! My monologue, Beautiful Isolation, is about my character, Sophie, looking out of her window at a field just outside her house, and getting lost in her thoughts about isolation and nature. When we were told to do the project, my initial thought was to create something positive about isolation and try not to get stuck in the mindset of ‘isolation is horrible’! So, I thought about the good parts of isolation, and remembered all the news articles about pollution rates lowering, and nature taking the reins again. I wanted my monologue to make people feel more positive about everything that is going on, and to hopefully make people reaslise the good behind it.
Creating art from home has been difficult, as I do not have my usual workspace, and equipment, to help me. However, it has also been quite fun, I have been able to challenge myself to come up with ways for me to film my monologue and think about what I could use for my setting! Messing around with costume and makeup has also been quite a treat for me! Doing this has been a challenge that has been entertaining to do, and one that I am surely going to remember for a long time!