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Welcome to the Level 3 Performing & Production Arts End of Year Show! The students have worked so hard this year, and what a year it has been! They have continued to engage and commit in difficult and challenging circumstances and have shown great resilience and fortitude in overcoming barriers. The students had already started work on their final assessed units and we were rehearsing ‘Love & Information’ by Caryl Churchill when we went into ‘lockdown’. It was therefore necessary to adapt our project to fit these unprecedented times. Isolation, solitude and loneliness are themes that have been used creatively for many years. The students were asked to create a monologue or song taking their inspiration from a character in ‘Love & Information’, perhaps a prequel or sequel to where we see them in the play. Alternatively, they were given the option to create a monologue or song based on the theme of ‘Isolation’. What you see here is their response to the brief. Enjoy the show!

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