Performing Arts
Cambridge Regional College
Adam Spicer
This piece is about the daily highs and lows of lockdown through the eyes of an enthusiastic young character called Georgino (as well as other names). Throughout this piece, I hope the audience will find a connection to this character in his daily struggle, whether that be through themselves or someone they know. Through hints of mystery I hope to keep the audience guessing who this character is until the very last line. Instead of focusing on the negatives of the lockdown and quarantining, I hope to bring some humour into the viewers life in this difficult time to take their mind away from the daily struggle of trying to stay positive, as well as showing them there is still an innocence in the world. My idea was inspired through “People watching” in my house and asking myself “What are they thinking about?” and “How are they coping?”. I have also gained inspiration from looking at Post-modern theatre. With Post-modern theatre, instead of answering questions for the audience, it provides questions and leaves it down to personal interpretation. Although I do give a clear hint at the end of the piece who this character is, I do hope people can have their own opinion on who “Georgino” is. It would be interesting to see if I can take this story further and see what else “Georgino” gets up to and see his life outside of lockdown. One of my main struggles of the lockdown is maintaining my focus to tasks. I have found keeping in contact with peers and lecturers has kept me on the right path and helped me maintain focus. I also found that if work was becoming too much, I would stop, read a couple of chapters of a book and then return fully focused. This was my first filmed piece and I found it interesting to find ways to film while being stuck at home. In a way I found it easier to film during this situation as I was limited with what I could do and it prevented me from overthinking, so I could focus on the performance. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the Performing and Production Arts Level 3 course. I have met some wonderful people and the lecturers have been amazing, even during this worrisome time. I have learnt many new things that will help me progress into the next steps of performing. I have accepted a place at Falmouth University studying BA Acting and I hope to attend this September. I am looking forward to what the future brings.